Thursday, July 31, 2014

GTA Liberty City Stories (PSP ISO) 2014

GTA Liberty City Stories (PSP ISO)

(Just click PSP GTALIBERTY.ISOFILE that had 
highlighted to go to the website)
The website will look like this:

2. Download the game ISO file. 
Just wait til the download finish :)

3. Connect your PSP to your PC.

4. Make sure you have ISO folder in your PSP.
If there isn't then make a new folder :)

5. Drag the PSP-(game)-GTA-Liberty-City-Stories 
to your ISO PSP folder.
It will take like 2 or 3 mins depend on how fast your
computer is.

6. After it finish, disconnect your PSP from your PC.

7. Open your PSP then go to your memory 
stick in game.

Then there is your game :D

Hope it worked!
If it doesnt work please email me:
or you could just chat with me at my
cbox up there. Just write your name and send
me a message :D

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